Rhododendron sinofalconeri
Common name:
Sinofalconer Rhododendron
ro-do-DEN-dron si-no-fawl-KON-a-ri, or -ree
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf evergreen shrub or small tree, ~10-30 ft (3-10 m) tall, stout branchlets, grayish pubescence when young, bark smooth, brown flaking. Leaves simple, alternate, thick and leathery, large, 17-32 cm long and 11-16 cm wide, oblong-elliptic, broadest above middle of blade, base wide, wedge-shaped (cuneate) or rounded, apex obtuse, upper surface green, slightly rugulose (wrinkled), glabrous, mid-rib grooved, lateral veins 16-19-paired, deeply impressed, lower surface with soft and spongy, covered with a 2-layered pubescence (pale cinnamon). Flowers pale yellow, bell-shaped, 3.5 cm. long, with 8 lobes, 16 stamens, unequal length, filaments pubescent at base, 15-20 flowers per cluster.
- This species is similar to R. falconeri, a few differences are [see Davidian, ( Vol. II, Pt. 1,1989), for others]:
- The lower leaf surface of R. sinofalconeri is without shallow pits formed by primary veins and veinlets. R. falconeri has these pits.
- They have different geographical distribution. R. sinofalconeri is native to the Yunnan area of China, whereas R. falconeri has a much wider distribution, it is found in Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, and India (Arunachal Pradesh and Assam).
- sinofalconeri: presumably meaning "the falconeri of China"; (China, sino-).
- Federal Way, Washington: Rhododendron Species and Botanical Garden.