Rhododendron 'Beauty of Littleworth'
Common name:
Beauty of Littleworth Rhododendron
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf evergreen shrub, 6 ft (1.8 m), large growing, vigorous, droopy habit. Leaves large (to 20 cm long), broad (9.5 cm wide), elliptic, dark green above, bronze underneath. Flowers from mauve pink buds develop into large white blooms (to 13 cm wide) with dark red-purple blotch on top petal, funnel-campanulate, pink stigma. As many as 15-18 flowers per truss.
- - 5°F, mid, 4/3/4-5 [flower / plant & foliage / performance; scale 1 (poor) - 5 (best)]. Part shade, protect from wind. (Van Veen p. 138, 131, 26)
- Developed by J. H. Mangles, of Valewood, Haslemere, England. After his death in 1884 the plant passed to his brother and sister who lived at Littleworth Cross, near Farnam. Hence the plant's somewhat humorous name.
- Possibly a cross with R. griffithianum
- Oregon State Univ. campus: northeast corner of Milam, also northwest near sidewalk; east side of Benton; northwest Ballard.