Rhododendron stenopetalum 'Linearifolium'
Common name: 
Spider Azalea
ro-do-DEN-dron sten-o-PET-al-um
R. macrosepalum ‘Linearifolium’
R. linearifolium; ‘Seigai Tsutsuji’
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Broadleaf evergreen shrub, an unusual azalea in that both the leaves and flowers petals are very narrow.  Leaves only about 3-5 mm wide and 5 cm long at the middle, tapering gradually to each end, hairy, green, but have a reddish cast in winter.  Flowers deeply divided into narrow strap-like petals, 3-4 cm long, purplish pink to strong purplish red, hairy at base.
  • Of garden origin, not found in nature.  Rhododendron stenopetalum is native to Japan (Honshu).
  • stenopetalum: steno-, narrow, and petalum, petal.
  • Seattle, Washington: Elisabeth C. Miller Botanical Garden.
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  • plant habit, flowering

    plant habit, flowering

  • flowers and foliage

    flowers and foliage

  • flower cluster and leaves

    flower cluster and leaves

  • flower and leaves

    flower and leaves