Rhododendron macrophyllum
Common name: 
Western Rhododendron
ro-do-DEN-dron mak-ro-FIL-um
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Broadleaf evergreen shrub, erect, compact in the open but long stranggling branches when crowded, to 6-12 ft (1.8-3.7 m) tall, may even become a small tree 25 ft (7.6 m) high.  Leaves simple, alternate, elliptic to oblong, 7.5-15 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, tapering at both ends, dark green above, paler below but often rusty-colored, petiole 1.3-2.5 cm long.  Flowers 5-lobed, spreading bell-shaped, about 3.5 cm wide (or more), color varies from pale pink to a rosy purple, rarely white, green/brown spots on the upper lobe, edges crumpled, calyx small, 10 stamens, ovary covered with reddish down; flower clusters are terminal and may contain 20 or more blooms.
  • -5° F, middle-late, quality rating 2-3/2-3/3 [flower / plant & foliage / performance; scale 1 (poor) - 5 (best)].  Sun to part shade.
  • Native range from British Columbia to northern California, from sea level to 6,000 ft, along the coastal foothills and Cascade Mountain in Oregon.
  • State Flower of the State of Washington
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  • plant habit, flowering

    plant habit, flowering

  • flower clusters and leaves

    flower clusters and leaves

  • flower cluster

    flower cluster

  • flowers


  • flower


  • flower clusters and leaves

    flower clusters and leaves

  • flowering Oregon's Cascade Mountains

    flowering Oregon's Cascade Mountains

  • plant habit, flowering

    plant habit, flowering

  • flower clusters and leaves

    flower clusters and leaves