Pinus mugo var. pumilio
Common name: 
Mugo pine
Dwarf Mugo pine
PI-nus MEW-go pum-IL-eeoh
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Conifer, evergreen, shrubby, branches very densely arranged, twigs directed upward, buds conspicuous.  Starts out as an appealing dwarf but typically matures over time to 3-5 ft tall by 6-10 ft wide (0.9-1.5 m × 1.8-3 m), or larger.  Growth is variable due to seed source.  Possibly the variety grown is most nurseries as mugo pine.
  • USDA Zone 2    Found in alpine environments of central and eastern Europe: Alps, Carpathians, and Balkins.  
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  • plant habit, 1 year from a 1 gal pot

    plant habit, 1 year from a 1 gal pot

  • plant habit, young

    plant habit, young

  • plant habit

    plant habit

  • plant habit

    plant habit

  • plant habit, sheared to limit new growth

    plant habit, sheared to limit new growth