Pinus mugo
Common name: 
Mugo Pine
PI-nus MEW-go
Pinus mugo var. mugo
Pinus mugo var. mughus
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Conifer, evergreen shrub, multistemmed or many branched, low growing form of the species, wider than tall, less than 8 ft tall x 16 ft wide (2.5 x 5 m).  Size variable due to seed source.   Needles in pairs, usually 2.5-5 cm long, basal sheath up to 1.5 mm long.  Cones subterminal without a stalk, ovoid or conical-ovoid, 2.5-5 cm long, apex surrounded by a darker ring.
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 2      The species, which may grow to 30-80 ft tall (9-24 m) with an equal width (!), is native to the mountains of central and southern Europe; the var. mugo is found in the Alps and Balkans.
  • Many selections available, here are five dwarf forms:
    • 'Golden Mound'  -  dwarf evergreen shrub, foliage green in summer but golden in winter
    • 'Mini Mini'  -  miniature shrub, flattened globe, only 8 inches (20 cm) tall in 10 years; has very small green needles
    • 'Mitsch Mini'  -  dwarf evergreen shrub, very slow growing, about 1 inch (2.5 cm) per year, small green needles
    • 'Oregon Jade'  -  dwarf evergreen shrub, compact spreading mound, green leaves
    • var. pumilio  -   common form, dwarf, dense, spreading habit, but, in time, may reach 5 ft high and 10 ft wide (1.5 x 3 m).
  • Oregon State Univ. campus: northeast of Peavy Forest Science Center.
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  • plant habit

    plant habit

  • plant habit

    plant habit

  • plant habit

    plant habit

  • branches with cones

    branches with cones

  • new shoots and cones

    new shoots and cones

  • branches with cones

    branches with cones

  • cone at seed drop

    cone at seed drop

  • trunks, 60 year old trees

    trunks, 60 year old trees