Acer truncatum
Common name:
Purpleblow Maple
Shantung Maple
A-ser trun-KA-tum
Sapinaceae, Aceraceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Deciduous tree, 20-30 ft (6-9 m) tall, similar spread, bark tinged with purple when young, rough and fissured when older. Leaves simple, opposite, 7-10 cm wide, 5-7 triangular-shaped lobes, basal lobes drawn out, base sometimes truncated, dark green above, paler below, fall color yellow to reddish, new leaves purplish; milky sap exuded when petiole broken. Flowers yellow-green, in 6-8 cm wide, upright clusters (corymbs). Fruit (samaras) 3-4 cm long, forming about a 90° angle.
- Sun to part shade. A relatively tough tree, heat and drought tolerant. Promoted as tree with good fall color in warm areas.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 4 Native to the forests of northern China (used as a street tree) and Korea and the Amur region of Siberia in Russia.
- truncatum: cut off square, a reference to the blade base
A few cultivars are available (e.g., Metro Maples) as will as hybrids of Acer truncatum × Acer platanoides. Keith Warren, at J. Frank Schmidt Nursery, Boring, Oregon, introduced the following such crosses
- Acer Norwegian Sunset™ : its name reflects the similarity of the tree to a Norway Maple (A. platanoides), in growth rate, branch structure, and leaf shape.
- Acer Pacific Sunset™: in comparison to Norwegian Sunset™, it has a finer branch structure, is more spreading, and slightly brighter fall color.
- These were followed by: Crimson Sunset®, purple-maroon foliage; Ruby Sunset®, glossy green leaves, red in fall; Urban Sunset®, compact, upright, glossy green, deep red in fall.
- Botanica, Wichita, Kansas