Acer tegmentosum
Common name: 
Manchurian Stripebark Maple
Manchustriped Maple
A-ser teg-men-TO-sum
Sapindaceae, Aceraceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Deciduous tree or large shrub, 20-30 ft (6-9 m) high, oval to rounded.  Branches glabrous; trunk bark light to yellow green with white vertical stripes.  Leaves opposite, simple, 3-5 lobed, 10-15 cm long and wide, base cordate to sub-cordate, tip acuminate, margin finely serrate, pale to rich green above (golden yellow in fall), pale and glabrous below, petiole 2.5-7.5 cm, groove at point of attachment.  Flowers small, green-yellow, in slender, 7-10 cm long, nodding clusters (racemes).  Fruit (samaras) about 3 cm long, wings form a wide angle or nearly horizontal.
  • Sun to part shade.  Similar to A. capilles and A. pensylvanicum, but not commonly cultivated, although some consider it a superior ornamental.
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 4         Native to Manchuria, Korea, and Russia
  • A few selections, including:
    • 'Joe Witt': a selection from the University of Washington's Washington Park Arboretum.  It was named by plantsman Dan Hinkley for the former Arboretum curator Joseph A. Witt. Two trees of 'Joe Witt' are in front of Milam Hall.
    • 'White Tigress': A cultivar that is often described as a hybrid, possibly A. davidii x A. tegmentosum; but authoritative documentation is lacking. Some consider it the most heat tolerant of the snakebark maples.
  • tegmentosum: covered, hidden
  • Oregon State University campus:  two trees of the selection 'Joe Witt' in front of Milam Hall
  • Portland, Oregon: Hoyt Arboretum
  • Silverton, Oregon: The Oregon Garden
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  • plant habit

    plant habit

  • leaves


  • leaves and flower cluster

    leaves and flower cluster

  • developing fruit cluster

    developing fruit cluster

  • trunk, bark

    trunk, bark

  • twigs and buds, winter

    twigs and buds, winter

  • twigs, buds, winter

    twigs, buds, winter