Acer buergerianum 'Miyasama yatsubusa'
Common name:
Miyasama yatsubusa Trident Maple
A-ser ber-jer-ee-A-num
Sapindaceae, Aceraceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
Broadleaf, deciduous, dwarf shrub, oval shaped, slow growing to about 6ft high and 3 ft wide (1.8 x 0.9 m). Tri-lobed, closely spaced leaves emerge purple-bronze and quickly turn glossy green with a leathery texture. In the fall they are bright yellow and then intensely red-orange to purple.
Sun to part shade, moist well-drained acid soil.
Hardy to USDA Zone (5) 6 Originated in Japan before 1900. The name, Miyasama yatsubusa, translates to “dwarf prince”. Makes a great container tree. Apparently very popular as a bonsai in Japan. Beware: seedlings of this cultivar are not true to type, but rather fast growing.