Acer rubrum Red Sunset®
Common name: 
Red Sunset Red Maple
A-ser RU-brum
Sapindaceae, Aceraceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Deciduous tree, pyramidal to rounded outline, fast growing, 45 × 35 ft (14 × 11 m).   Leaves opposite, simple, thick, strongly 3-lobed, dark, glossy green, fall foliage is brilliant orange-red to red.  Female tree, it produces fruit (seeds) that that is bright red.
  • Sun, very tolerant of soils.  Has shown high tolerance to flooding.
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 4  Colors earlier and is more cold hardy than October Glory®.
  • Developed in the 1940s by J. Frank Schmidt, Jr. of J. Frank Schmidt & Sons nursery, Boring, Oregon, introduced in 1966; reportedly the trademark name was inspired by the song "Red Sails in the Sunset", considered a standard by which to measure other Red Maples and widely planted in the 1970s and 80s (Jacobson, 1996).  Iowa's Nursery and Landscape Professionals Tree of the Year in 2002.
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  • fruit (seeds) , spring

    fruit (seeds) , spring

  • plant habit, summer

    plant habit, summer

  • leaf, summer

    leaf, summer

  • plant habit, fall

    plant habit, fall

  • leaf, summer

    leaf, summer