Acer monspessulanum
Common name:
Montpellier Maple
A-ser mon-spes-ew-LAH-num
Sapindaceae, Aceraceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf deciduous tree, compact, to 20-30 ft (6-10 m) high, dense branching, rounded crown. Leaves opposite, simple, blade 3-lobed, 3-6 cm long, base cordate, margin entire; petiole 3-5 cm long; may have red-orange fall color. Flowers yellow-green on long (4 cm) stalks (peduncles), appear before leaves. Fruit 1.5 cm long, sometimes reddish, wings hang down parallel or are crossed.
- Sun to part shade, tolerates heat
- Hardy to USDA Zone 5 Native to Mediterranean area and southern and central Europe
- Resembles Acer campestre, Hedge Maple, but its leaves always have three lobes, its fruit hang parallel, and its petiole does NOT yield a milky sap when cut.
- monspessulanum: from Montpellier, France; Latinized as Mons Pessulanus (Stearn, 1996)