Acer saccharum Lagacy®
Common name:
Lagacy Sugar Maple
A-ser sak-KAR-um
Sapindaceae, Aceraceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
Broadleaf, deciduous, rapid growing tree, densely-branch, upright and pyramidal habit, to 30 ft tall and 20 ft wide (9 x 6 m), mature size is about 50 ft tall and 35 ft wide (15 x 10.6 m). Leaves opposite, simple, 9-14 cm long and 12-19 cm wide, dark green, glossy, leathery, thick, and resistant to tattering in the wind. Brilght red fall color with touches of pink, orange and golden yellow.
Hardy to USDA Zone 4 Developed in Champagne County, Illinois, US Plant Patent 4,979, Feb. 1, 1983.
Sun, best on well-drained soil, tolerant to sandy and clay conditions, only occasional watering when established