Acer spicatum
Common name: 
Mountain Maple
Moose Maple
A-ser spi-KA-tum
Sapindaceae, Aceraceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Broadleaf deciduous large shrub to 15 ft (~5 m), a small tree [30 ft (~10 m)] at higher altitudes of Tennessee and North Carolina, crown unevenly rounded, open, trunk short, crooked.  Leaves simple, opposite, 6-12 cm long and nearly as wide, 3-lobed, sometimes slightly 5-lobed, central lobe triangular, tips acuminate, coarsely and irregularly serrate, yellowish green above, pubescent below, petiole slender and usually longer than the blade; fall color may be brown, yellow, orange or scarlet.  Flowers small, 1 cm across, 5 petals, greenish yellow to creamy white, in upright spikes 8-14 cm long, appear after leaves have expanded.  Fruit nearly glabrous (lacking hairs) at maturity, wings less than or near right angles to each other, about 1.5 cm long; sometimes bright red in summer, mature in late summer and may remain on tree into winter.
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 2      Native to eastern North America, from Labrador east to Saskatchewan and south to northern Iowa and Georgia.  A understory tree in eastern Canadian forests.
  • spicatum: spiked, spike-like, presumably a reference to the upright flower cluster.
  • Portland, Oregon: Hoyt Arboretum.
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  • shaded leaves, spring

    shaded leaves, spring

  • foliage and fruit

    foliage and fruit

  • leaf


  • leaf, underside

    leaf, underside

  • fruit cluster

    fruit cluster