Abies alba
Common name:
European Silver Fir
Common Silver Fir
A-bez AL-ba
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Conifer, evergreen tree, large, 100-160(210)ft [30-50(65)m] high, stem straight, branches whorled and horizontal or slightly ascending. Bark smooth, with resin blisters, gray, square-plated when mature. Needles regularly spaced (like teeth on a comb), in 2 ranks pointing toward apex, 15-30 mm long and 1.5-2 mm wide, upper rank shorter, tips notched or 2-pointed, dark green above, glossy, furrowed, occasional stomatal lines on the apex, 2 white stomatal lines on the underside. Cones erect, 10-14 cm long to 5 cm wide, cylindrical, bronzed green when young, dark brown when ripe.
- Sun or partial shade. Prefers fresh, moist soils in higher altitudes.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 4 Native to the mountains of southern and central Europe east to Ukraine's Karpaty Mountains. It is also found in Belarus, Asia and the Caucasus Mountains.
- Many selections area available in the nursery trade, including: 'Green Spiral', 'Pendula', 'Pyramidalis', 'Spreading Star', and 'Tortuosa'.
- Silver Fir was a popular Christmas tree in Europe, but has been largely replaced by Nordmann Fir (which has denser, more attractive foliage), Norway Spruce (which is much cheaper to grow), and other species.
- alba: white, the tree's foliage appears white or silver when viewed from below.
- Portland, Oregon: Hoyt Arboretum.