Spiraea splendens
Common name: 
Mountain Spirea
Rose Meadowsweet
Subalpine Spirea
sp-i-REE-a SPLEN-denz
Spiraea densiflora
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Deciduous shrub, may grow to between 20 and 100 cm (~8 inches to 3+ ft) tall, stems brown, glabrous to finely and sparsely hairy.  Leaves alternate, simple, ovoid, 1–5 cm long, margin toothed near tip and sides but not at the base, leaf surface thin, light green, with or without hairs, turn yellow in fall; petiole less than 3 mm long.  Flowers small (~ 2 mm), rose-pink, in flat-topped, terminal clusters (corymbs), very showy.  Fruit is small, 5 valved follicle.
  • Sun to light shade, moist, well-drained soil
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 3?  Native range from southwestern British Columbia to California, at elevations between 2,000 and 11,000 ft (~600-3,300 m) on inland mountain ranges, especially in moist, rocky areas.
  • Two forms are recognized:
    • Spiraea splendens subsp. rosea: young stems, leaf abaxial surfaces, and pedicels and bracteoles minutely pubescent
    • Spiraea splendens subsp. splendens:young stems, leaf abaxial surfaces, and pedicels and bracteoles smooth, hairless (or nearly so)
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  • plant habit, start of flowering

    plant habit, start of flowering

  • foliage and flower clusters

    foliage and flower clusters

  • flower clusters and leaves

    flower clusters and leaves

  • flower clusters

    flower clusters

  • leaves


  • plant habit after flowering and seed head

    plant habit after flowering and seed head