Viburnum bracteatum
Common name: 
Bracted Viburnum
Limerock Arrowwood Viburnum
vi-BER-num brak-te-A-tum
Adoxaceae, Caprifoliaceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Broadleaf deciduous shrub, to 10 ft (3 m) high, upright, spreading.  Leaves simple, opposite, orbicular-ovate, 5-12 cm long, base cordate or subcordate, margin has coarse dentate teeth, dark green above, pubescent on the veins below, petiole 1.5-2 cm long.  Fall color yellow to bronze.  Flowers white, malodorous, in broad flat-topped clusters (cymes), 4-8 cm across, with conspicuous bractlets.   Fruit about 1 cm long, ellipsoid, blue-black.
  • Sun to partial shade
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 5        Native to southeastern US.
  • Note: Michael Dirr (2009, p.1200) "..Brachted Viburnum is a difficult species to properly identify, even for the advanced gardener.  Consider it a souped-up version ( octaploid) of V. dentatum with glossier, thick textured leaves.  Otherwise I see little difference between the species..."
  • bracteatum: a reference to the distinctive bracts on the stems of the flower clusters.


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  • plant habit, early fall

    plant habit, early fall

  • leaves


  • fruit
