Viburnum rhytidophyllum
Common name:
Leatherleaf Viburnum
vi-BER-num ri-ti-do-FIL-um
Adoxaceae, Caprifoliaceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf evergreen shrub, 10-15 ft (3-4.5 m) high, upright, multistemmed, somewhat open. Leaves opposite, simple, leathery, ovate to lanceolate, 8-18 cm long, 2.5-6.5 cm wide, tip acute or blunt, base rounded or somewhat cordate, lustrous dark green and strongly wrinkled above (rhytidophyllum: with wrinkled leaves), gray, brownish, tomentose below. Flowers yellowish-white, about 6 mm wide, in terminal 7-11 rayed clusters, about 20 cm wide, blooms in late spring. Fruit ovoid, 8 mm, red, later black.
- Sun and partial shade, tolerates heavy shade. Well-drained acid soil.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 5 Native to central and western China
- Oregon State Univ. campus: northeast corner of Graf Hall, on Monroe Ave.