Viburnum opulus var. opulus 'Roseum'
Common name: 
European Snowball Viburnum
vi-BER-num OP-u-lus OP-u-lus
Adoxaceae, Caprifoliaceae
Viburnum opulus 'Roseum'
Viburnum opulus 'Sterile'
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Deciduous shrub, 10-12 ft (3-3.7 m); dense mound, upright, spreading, arching branches.  Leaves opposite, 5-10 cm long, as wide or wider, pointed lobes (maple-like), glossy dark green in summer, may turn reddish in fall, a few disk-like glands on grooved petiole.  Showy flowers sterile, in sphere-like clusters, 6.5-7.5 cm diam., which cover plant in May, initially white-green, then white, and some pink ("rose", hence ‘Roseum’) develops when flowers senesce.  Since flowers are sterile, no fruit is formed.
  • Sun to part shade, susceptible to aphids
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 4      Cultivated since the 16th century.
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  • plant habit, flowering

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  • plant habit, flowering

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  • leaves


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  • plant habit, senescing flowers

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  • senescing flower cluster

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  • plant habit, summer

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  • plant habit, fall

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  • leaves, fall

    leaves, fall