Magnolia acuminata
Common name:
Cucumber Magnolia
Cucumbertree Magnolia
Mountain Magnolia
mag-NO-li-a a-ku-mi-NA-ta
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf, deciduous tree, 50-80 ft, (15-24 m), upright branches, pyramidal, upper branches curved upward, lower branches droop. Root system deep. Leaves alternate, simple, 10-25 cm long, apex acute to acuminate, dark green above, soft pubescent and light green below. Buds greenish to white, pubescent, covered (as with all magnolias) by a single keeled scale. Flowers have greenish yellow petals (5-7.5 cm long), borne solitary, not very showy. Fruit an aggregate of pinkish-red follicles, 5-7.5 cm long, briefly persisting in fall (may look like a small cucumber).
- Sun or partial shade. Prefers deep, moist, well-drained, slightly acid soil. Performs well in the calcareous soils of midwest, does not tolerate extreme drought or wetness. Often difficult to transplant.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 3 Native range from New York to Georgia, west to Illinois and Arkansas. A large number of selections have been introduced but apparently few available commercially.
- Magnolia: after Pierre Magnol (1638-1715), professor of botany at Montpellier. acuminata: a long point, the leaves.
- Salem, Oregon: Bush Prairie Park, in garden east of Bush House.