Magnolia macrophylla
Common name: 
Bigleaf Magnolia
mag-NO-li-a mak-ro-FIL-a
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Broadleaf deciduous tree, 30-40 ft (9-12 m) tall, sometimes over 60 ft (18 m), open branched, rounded crown.  Leaves alternate (appear as if in whorls), simple, large, 30-80 cm long and 17-30 cm wide (sometimes as large as 100 cm × 45 cm), oblong-obovate, base heart-shaped (cordate) or with little ear-like appendages (auriculate), margin entire, bright green and glabrous above and silvery gray and pubescent below.  Flowers are large, cup-shaped, creamy-white, 20-25 cm wide or larger, 6(9) petals (tepals), inner tepals purple near base, solitary, fragrant.  Blooms in early summer.  Fruit cluster to 9 cm, ovoid to globose, rose-pink, seeds red.
  • Sun or partial shade, acid, well-drained soil.
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 5   Native range from Ohio to Florida and west to Arkansas and Louisiana, often growing in shady, moist areas, although a wide range it is not common in any locality, populations are generally small and isolated.
  • macrophylla: macro, large, phylla, leaf.  Produces the largest leaves and flowers in the Magnolia genus.
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  • plant habit

    plant habit

  • leaves and flower bud

    leaves and flower bud

  • leaf


  • leaf base and underside

    leaf base and underside

  • plant habit, flowering

    plant habit, flowering

  • flower, bud and opening

    flower, bud and opening

  • flower


  • immature fruit, August

    immature fruit, August

  • fruit, after drop

    fruit, after drop

  • plant habit, leaf drop

    plant habit, leaf drop

  • plant habit, winter

    plant habit, winter

  • branches and bud

    branches and bud