Fraxinus americana
Common name:
White Ash
American Ash
FRAKS-i-nus a-mer-i-KA-na
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf deciduous tree, 50-80 ft (15-24 m) high, similar spread, maintains a central leader in youth. Lateral buds inserted in the leaf scar. Leaves opposite, pinnately compound, 20-38 cm long, 5-9 leaflets (usually 7), each 5-15 cm long, basal leaves the shortest, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, usually entire, or edged near the apex or all of the margin with remote serrations, dark green and glabrous above, limited pubescence on major veins below; fall color from yellow to maroon to deep purple. Flowers dioecious - male and female flowers on separate plants, lack petals, green to reddish purple, in clusters, appear before the leaves but not important ornamentally. Fruit, single winged samara, 2.5-5 cm long.
- Sun. Growth may be best in deep, moist, well-drained soil, however, fall color better in full sun. Not considered as adaptable as Green Ash, but rated higher for its ornamental attributes.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 4 Native range from Nova Scotia west to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas.
A number of selections, including:
- Autumn Applause® - seedless, oval form, densely branched, leaves somewhat drooping, leaflets smaller than usual, fall color deep purple to mahogany.
- Autumn Purple® (syn. 'Junginger') - seedless, rounded habit, dark green leaves, fall color deep purple to mahogany. .
- Cimmaron® - seedless; has red to orange-red fall color. Introduced as, and often sold as, a Green Ash (Acer pennsylvanica), but likely a selection of F. americana (Jacobson, 1996). Oregon State Univ. campus: row planted north of the softball field on Western Ave.
- ‘Rosehill’ - seedless, rapid straight growth, broad habit, leaves dark green, fall color yellow, pinkish, or bronze-red, tolerates poor, alkaline soil.
- ‘Royal Purple’ - upright habit, fall color royal purple (sometimes listed as F. pennsylvanica).
- Skyline® (syn. ‘Skycole’) - seedless, upright branches, oval crown, leaves glossy medium green, fall color orange-red. "suspiciously F. americana ‘Elk Grove’" (Jacobson, 1996, p. 212).
- Windy CityTM (syn.'Tures') - few fruit, oval habit, strong central leader, fall color burgundy to reddish-orange, with gold and yellow accents.
- Corvallis: north side of Central Park on Monroe Ave; also on 3rd St. between Adams and Washington Ave (both Autumn Purple®).