Betula papyrifera
Common name:
Paperbark Birch
Paper Birch
BET-u-la pap-i-RIF-er-a
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Deciduous tree, 40-50(70+) ft [12-15(21) m], loosely pyramidal to rounded, several years before lateral branches show chalky-white paper-like bark, peels easily. Leaves simple, alternate, 5-12 cm long, rounded or sometimes wedge shaped, glabrous above and pubescent on veins below, coarsely and usually doubly serrate, dull green in summer, yellow in fall.
- Sun. Adapted to a variety of soils, does best in well-drained, acid, moist, sandy or silty loams. Probably best adapted to cold climates.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 2 Large native range from Labrador to British Columbia, Washington (and into the Wallowa Mountains of northeastern Oregon), south to Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nebraska, Montana.
- papyrifera: paper-bearing
- Oregon State Univ. campus: two places on lower campus just south of the "Elm Walkway" between 15th St.and 11th St., a group trees on the east side of 15th St. (north of Ferman Hall) and single tree near the 11th St. gate.