Vaccinium angustifolium
Common name:
Lowbush Blueberry
vak-SIN-ee-um an-gus-ti-FO-li-um
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Deciduous, low growing shrub or ground cover, 0.5-2 ft (15-120 cm) tall and may spread to 2 ft wide, twiggy, open. Leaves alternate, simple, lanceolate, 0.7-2 cm long, acute at ends serrulata with bristle-pointed teeth, green and lustrous on both sides; attractive red, bronze fall color. Flowers greenish white with pink tinges, urn-shaped, 6-7 mm long, in short, dense clusters. Fruit bluish black, covered with waxy bloom, 5-8 mm across.
- Sun to part shade. Best is soil that is moist, high in organic matter, very acidic (pH 4.5-5.5) and well-drained soil. Some selections are offered that have superior fall color.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 2 Native from Newfoundland, Maine, east to Saskatchewan and Minnesota, south to New York and Pennsylvania. The colorful cultivar, 'Burgundy', is a popular landscape plant.
- The wild, but managed, lowbush blueberry acreage in Maine is about 60,000 acres; it is the source of the state's major fruit crop.
- angustifolium: from angusta, narrow, and folium, leaves; having narrow leaves.