Crataegus columbiana
Common name: 
Columbia Hawthorn
kra-TEE-gus kol-LUM-bee-an-a
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Deciduous, thicket forming tree/shrub, to about 20 ft (6 m), branches armed with thorns, 4-6 cm long, longer than the thorns of C. douglasii.  Leaves alternate, or clustered at end of shoot, simple, 3-7 cm long, obovate to nearly oval, base wedge-shaped and its margin entire, upper margin with 5-9 serrate lobes, dark green, glossy, smooth (or hairy) above, paler below.  Flowers white, in clusters, 2-4 styles.  Fruit globular, 8-11 mm wide, dark red, somewhat hairy.
  • Sun or part shade, moist to dry sites
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 5     Native range from southern British Columbia southward on the east side of the Cascades to northern California, along the Columbia River and its tributaries to Idaho.
  • The name Crataegus columbiana was a source of considerable confusion.  Some thought that this species named by Thomas J. Howell in 1893 to be the same as Crataegus douglasii, which was named earlier.  Others disagree.   Both Crataegus columbiana and Crataegus douglasii are considered the accepted names of these species by the World Flora Online as of 2024.
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  • leaves, comparison

    leaves, comparison