Crataegus 'Autumn Glory'
Common name: 
Autumn Glory Hawthorn
Crimson Glory Hawthorn
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Broadleaf deciduous tree, 10-15 ft (3-6 m), twiggy, dense, rounded, wide branching, 2.5 cm thorns, but not many.  Leaves simple, alternate, about 7 cm long, glossy green, rounded, 3-5 lobed, serrulate, of variable size.  Flowers white, about 15-20 mm wide, 15-20 stamens, 2 styles.  Fruit (haws) large (2.5 cm long), bright red, abundant, remain on tree well into winter.
  • Jacobson (1996, p. 157) states that its "flowers don't stink" (i.e., they don't have the characteristic "crateagus" odor).  Many would disagree with that assessment!!  He also states that the fruit are "good eating" (our tastes differ).  Robin are attracted to the fruit in winter.
  • Sun, grows very well here, but not in east.  Susceptible to fire blight.
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 5      Possibly a hybrid of, but less hardy than, C. laevigata.  According to Jacobson (1996) it is a seedling of Crataegus mexicana found in the 1940s in the San Francisco East Bay area and planted to a garden in Los Altos.  First sold by a California nurseryman in 1944 as 'Crimson Glory', a reference to the red fruit.
  • Oregon State Univ. campus: many along walk south of the East Greenhouse.
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  • plant habit, flowering

    plant habit, flowering

  • flowers and leaves

    flowers and leaves

  • flowers


  • immature fruit and leaves

    immature fruit and leaves

  • plant habit, fall fruiting

    plant habit, fall fruiting

  • leaves and red fruit

    leaves and red fruit

  • fruit, late fall

    fruit, late fall

  • leave and fruit

    leave and fruit

  • leave and fruit, comparison

    leave and fruit, comparison

  • fruit, winter

    fruit, winter

  • fruit and buds, winter

    fruit and buds, winter