Yucca recurvifolia
Common name:
Pendulous Yucca
Curve-leaf Yucca
YUK-ah re-kurv-ih-FOH-lee-a
Liliaceae, Agavaceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Evergreen shrub, to 6-10 ft (~2-3 m) tall, often unbranched, but may lean over and touch the ground. Leaves flat with sharp point at tip (which bends to the touch), 2-3ft (0.6-0.9 m) long, 2-3 inches (5-7.5 cm) wide, soft and somewhat flexible, blue-green with red margin; lower leaves curve downward. Flowers white, bell-shaped, drooping, displayed on a stalk growing from center of leaves, 2-5 ft (0.6-1.5 m) above foliage; blooms late spring to early summer.
- Sun to part shade, well-drained soil, drought-tolerant
- Hardy to USDA Zone 7 Native to the southeastern US, mostly Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia.
- recurvifolia: from recurvea, curved backwards and folia, leaves; backward curving leaves.