Taxus brevifolia
Common name: 
Pacific Yew
Western Yew
TAKS-us brev-i-FO-lee-a
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Conifer, evergreen tree/shrub, spreading, 40-50(80) ft [12-15(24) m] high.  Bark about 5 mm thick, with thin, dark red-purple scales.   Needles radially arranged around the stem but appearing more or less 2 ranked, 1-2.5 cm long, linear, tapering to a horny point, yellow-green above, paler below, short yellow petiole.  Dioecious - male and female plants.  Cone (aril) is fleshy, scarlet, oblong-oval, 4-7 mm long, enclosing a single-seed. Seeds are poisonous.
  • Sun or shade.  An understory tree found in moist, well-drained soil.  Very slow growing.  In western Oregon forests it is often covered with lichens and mosses.
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 4     Native range from extreme southeastern Alaska to northern California, and east to northeastern Oregon, northern Idaho, and western Montana.
  • Seeds are poisonous to humans, but birds consume them.  The foliage is poisonous to horses and cattle, especially if left to rot (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994).
  • The bark and other parts of the tree contain an anti-cancer drug, taxol, which is also found in related yew species.
  • Oregon State Univ. campus: east side of "arboretum" south of Moreland Hall (2013) and in the court yard of the Dorm Quad (Buxton, etc.) on Jefferson Ave. west of 26th St. (2013).
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  • plant habit, in a woods

    plant habit, in a woods

  • plant habit (with lichens), western Oregon forest

    plant habit (with lichens), western Oregon forest

  • branch, western Oregon forest

    branch, western Oregon forest

  • plant habit, in a landscape

    plant habit, in a landscape

  • branchlets


  • branchlets, needles

    branchlets, needles

  • needles and fruit

    needles and fruit

  • trunk, bark

    trunk, bark

  • older trunk, bark

    older trunk, bark