Rosa rugosa
Common name:
Rugosa Rose
Beach Tomato
Sea Tomato
RO-za ru-GO-sa
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Deciduous shrub, 4-6 ft (1.2-1.6 m), stout upright stems, dense rounded outline. Leaves alternate, compound (odd-pinnate), 5-9 leaflets, elliptic to elliptic-obovate, 2.5-2 cm long, serrate, wrinkled surface (rugose), dark green in summer and bronze to orange-red in fall. Flowers perfect, rose-purple to white, 6-9 cm wide, short stalk, fragrant. Fruit a "hip", 2.5 cm diam., lustrous brick red.
- Sun, very pest resistant, tough and hardy, easy to grow, the most trouble free rose, used in difficult sites, e.g. banks, cuts, fills, sandy soils. Can withstand ocean salt spray.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 2 Native to northern China, Korea, Japan; naturalized in northern, western and central Europe, has been seen 100 miles from Arctic Circle in Siberia.
There are many selections of R. rugosa and rugosa hybrids, some of the more popular ones includes:
- ‘Alboplena’ - double white
- ‘Belle Poitevine’ - semi-double, light mauve-pink
- ‘Blanc Double de Coubert’ - semi-double to double, white
- ‘Frau Dagmar Hastrup’ - single pink
- ‘Hansa’ - double, purple-red
- ‘Will Alderman’ - double, pink
- Hips used commercially, the source of "rose hips" for tea, etc.
- rugose: wrinkled, a reference to the leaf surface, hence one of the common names, Rugosa Rose.
- Oregon State Univ. campus: south end of parking lot behind Richardson Hall.