Clematis armandii
Common name:
Evergreen Clematis
Armand Clematis
kle-MA-tis ( or KLEM-a-tis) ar-MAN-de-i
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf evergreen vine, fast growing to 20 ft (6 m). Leaves opposite, pinnate compound, 3 leaflets, leathery, glossy dark green, 7.5-15 cm long, oblong-lanceolate to ovate, pointed, droop downward, margin entire. Flowers creamy-white, 5-6.5 cm long, 4-7 "petals" (these showy parts are actually sepals), fragrant, in large branched clusters in spring. Flowers are followed by clusters of plumed seeds, considered attractive by some.
- Sun to part shade. Clematis, in general, do best if roots are in cool soil (protected from sun) and tops in full sun. They prefer rich, loose, well-drained soil high in organic matter; a pH of 6-7.5 is recommended by some whereas others advocate an alkaline soil. Provide support. Needs pruning after flowering to avoid buildup of tangled dead stems in the inner parts of the vine.
Hardy to USDA Zone (6) 7 Native to central and western China. Two common cultivars are,
- 'Apple Blossom' - white flowers shaded with pink, especially on the underside
- 'Snowdrift' - pure white flowers
- armandii: after the French missionary priest, Jean Pierre Armand David (1826-1900), who studied and collected plants and animals in China for a museum of natural history in France. Probably David’s most famous discovery was the giant panda!.
- Oregon State Univ. campus: front of Bates, over entrance.