Azara microphylla
Common name:
Boxleaf Azara
a-ZA-ra mi-kro-FIL-a
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf evergreen shrub or small tree, often to 12-18 ft (4-5.5 m) tall and 8-12 ft (2.5-4 m) wide, tree form to 30 ft (9 m), slow growing when small. Leaves alternate but appear as 2-ranked, the seemingly opposite "leaf" pairs are made up of larger true leaves and smaller, leaf-like stipules (botanical oddity), may reach to 15 × 18 mm in size, obovate to round, margin entire or obscurely toothed, glossy green, has single accessory leaves. Flowers very small, lack petals, greenish sepals and yellow stamens, strongly vanilla scented (For some a chocolate aroma without chololate calories, Hogan, 2008). Fruit small, 3 mm diam., orange-red.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 8. The hardiest of the azaras. Native to Argentina and Chile, on both sides of the Andes.
- microphylla: small leaved
- The most common cultivar is 'Variegata', which has leaves with irregular shaped white-yellow borders. Considered weaker growing and less winter hardy than the species type.
- Oregon State Univ. campus: NW area of the inner courtyard of the dorm complex (Buxton, etc.) on Jefferson Ave; SW corner Weatherford Hall, across from dorm complex