Rubus allegheniensis
Common name:
Allegheny Blackberry
RUB-us al-leh-GHE-ni-en-sis
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf deciduous shrub, erect to about 5 ft, rarely to 8 ft, to a width of 8 ft; usually forms dense thickets. Stems biennial and sparingly thorny (prickles). Leaves alternate, 7.5-12.5 cm long and wide, palmately compound, 3-7 leaflets (mostly 5), leaflets, ovoid, elliptic to lanceolate, coarsely serrate margins, dark green above and much paler below; petioles and mid-veins have red glands. Flowers are showy, white, about 2 cm across, with 5 petals. Fruit is globose to elongate aggregate of druplets, 1-2.5 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm wide, purple-black, although yellow fruit forms are known. The fruit does not separate from the receptacle when broken from the stalk (unlike raspberries).
- Sun, not tolerant of heavy shade
- Native to eastern North America from Quebec, Ontario and the Maritime Provinces south to near every eastern U.S. state except Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and as far west as Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Populations are also found in California and British Columbia, presumably these are the result introduced plants that have since escaped.
- allegheniensis: of the Allegheny mountains, part of the Appalachian Mountains, eastern United States