Waldsteinia fragarioides
Common name:
Barren Strawberry
wald-STIEN-ee-a fra-gah-ree-Oi-deez
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Mat forming perennial, evergreen, strawberry-like, about 2-3 inches (5-7.6 cm) high, spreads by short rhizomes. Leaves green (bronzy in winter), trifoliate, leaflet to 8 by 6 cm, obovate, lobed and crenate, peioles to 17 cm. Flowers yellow, 5-petaled, about 2 cm across, in clusters of 3-8, petals to 1 cm, 50+ stamen, and 3-5 pistils.. Fruit is green but seldom forms.
- Sun to light shade.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 4 Native to southern Canada and eastern and northern U.S.
- A species native to Japan, W. ternata, is similar, it is also known as Barren Strawberry, as well as Dry or Yellow Strawberry.
- Waldsteinia: after Count Franz Adam Waldstein von Wartenburg (1759-1823), an Austrian botanist. fragarioides: like strawberry (Fragaria).
- Corvallis: along east side of First St. downtown, in the narrow space between the curb and the sidewalk