Gaultheria miqueliana
Common name:
Miquel's Spicywintergreen
Miquel's Wintergreen
gawl-THEE-ree-a mi-kel-i-AH-na
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaved evergreen shrub, to about 1 ft (30 cm) tall, young branches pubescent. Leaves alternate, simple, crowded at end of branches, obovate or broad-elliptic, 1.5-3.5 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, apex rounded or acutish, base rounded or broad wedge-shaped (cuneate), margin serrate. Flowers urn-shaped, white, about 6 mm long, in 2-6 cm long clusters (racemes). Fruit, 6 mm wide, white sometimes pinkish.
- Sun or part shade, moist, acid soils
- Hardy to USDA Zone 5 Native range includes East Asia, Japan and Alaska
- Taxonomy: It appears that the accepted name for this species is now Gautheria pyroloides.
- miqueliana: in honor of Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel (1811-1871), Dutch botanist of Hanoverian origin, professor of botany at Utrecht and Leiden, author of works on the flora of Japan, Indonesia, etc. (Stearn, 2002).