Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Pink Dawn'
Common name:
Pink Dawn Chitalpa
chi-TAL-pa tash-KEN-ten-sis
x Chitalpa tashkentensis
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf deciduous tree, small to medium, 20-35 ft (6-10.7 m) tall, branches dense, spreading. Leaves alternate, occasionally opposite, to 20 cm long, narrow, tapering at both apex and base, dull green, glabrous above and shaggy soft hair below. Flowers in erect clusters (racemes), trumpet-shaped, resemble Catalpa, pink, yellowish center. Does not generally produce fruit.
- Sun and partial shade. Blooms for several months during the summer. A tough, drought tolerant plant, adapted to the southwestern U.S, but apparently not suitable for the southeastern U.S.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 6 ×Chitalpa tashkentensis is a hybrid of two genera, Catalpa bignonoides (Southern Catalpa) and Chilopsis linearis (Desert Willow). Clone no. 1 of the cross was named ‘Pink Dawn’, it is the most commonly sold selection. ‘Morning Cloud’ (Clone No. 2) is also available; it has pale pink to white flowers, is more upright, and grows larger than ‘Pink Dawn’.
- Corvallis: three trees at the NE corner of 23rd St. and Monroe Ave. (United Campus Ministry)
- Oregon State Univ. campus: west side Withycombe Hall; NW corner Lab. Animal Res. Center; Hort. Dept., Lewis-Brown Farm, Peoria Road.