Alnus rubra
Common name:
Red Alder
Oregon Alder
AL-nus RU-bra
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf deciduous tree, generally 40-50 ft (12-15 m) tall, record trees over 100 ft (30 m), in the open a broadly conical shape with spreading branches, in the forest a straight trunk visible to a narrow, rounded crown. Bark smooth, light gray, but usually almost white with lichens. Twigs triangular or rounded in cross section, buds stalked, 2-3 pubescent scales. Leaves alternate, simple, oval to rhombic, 7-13 cm long, tapered from the middle to both ends, 8-15 vein-pairs, dull dark green above, grayish and pubescent on veins below, margin coarsely toothed, rolled under (revolute). Male (pollen) catkins in small clusters at stem tips, about 10-15 cm long at pollination. Female flower catkins 9-12 mm long, visible in winter in small clusters below male catkins, mature seed catkins (cones) barrel-shaped, 12-25 mm long.
- Sun. Tolerates infertile soil because it forms an association with a small soil bacterium, Frankia, resulting in root nodules that transform the tree into a nitrogen fixer. In the landscape, red alder is a favored host for tent caterpillars.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 5 Native along the Pacific Coast from southeastern Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, to southern California, also found in northern Idaho.
- It is distinguished from White Alder (A. rhombifolia) which has leaves that are green to yellow-green above and paler green below, and margins that are finely serrated or doubly serrated and not revolute.
- rubra: Latin, red; inner bark is orange-red so wounds turn red.
- A cut-leaf red alder (Alnus rubra f. pinnatisecta) exists and is sometimes available in the nursery trade.
- Oregon State Univ. campus: in planting between Peavy and Dryden halls; east side Kearney Hall, 14th & Monroe Ave.
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