Broadleaf, deciduous tree, it usually grows to 30-40 ft (9-12 m) high, sometimes to 70 ft (21 m) and has a rounded form. Compound palmate leave are in an opposite arrangement, a long petiole terminates into 5-7 oblong, green, mostly hairless, leaflets, each 7.5-25 cm long and with finely serrate margins. Flowers have 4 white petals; some dabbed with yellow or red, and are in showy cylindrical terminal clusters (panicles) to 40 cm long. The fruit are dehiscent, globose capsules, rough-textured, but spineless, and at maturity open to release 1-2 dark brown seeds, which are poisonous.
- Sun to partial shade
Hardy to USDA Zone 5 Native to northern China
Oregon State University: Lewis-Brown Horticulture Farm on Peoria Road, next to the road in the turf research area