Symphoricarpos albus
Common name:
Common Snowberry
sim-fo-ri-KAR-pos al-BUS
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Deciduous shrub, 1.5-7 ft (0.5-2 m), broad, rounded, suckers. Leaves, simple, opposite, undulated-lobed margin. Small pink-white flowers, pea-sized, but variable; white fruit (turns to a brown mush late), persists into winter.
- Sun to part shade. Prune to ground in early spring and fertilize to produce luxuriant growth and large masses of berries. "Not a first-rank shrub, but useful in its tolerance of poor soil, urban air. Withstands neglect (Sunset)."
- Hardy to USDA Zone 3 Widely distributed across North America
- Sometimes the species is separated into two varieties: Symphoricarpos albus var. albus, a relatively low growing shrub (to 1 m) found in eastern North America, and Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigtus, a larger shrub (to 2-3 m) found on the Pacific slope (Hitchcock and Cronquest, 1973). Another species of Snowberry is Symphoricarpos mollis, Spreading Snowberry, a trailing shrub found at higher elevations than S. alba which can be used for quickly retaining steep embankments.
- There are a few cultivars, one of which is variegated.
- Oregon State Univ. campus: southeast of Fairbanks Hall.