Rhus integrifolia
Common name:
Lemonade Berry
Lemonade Sumac
roos in-teg-ri-FOL-ia
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf evergreen shrub, 3-10 ft (0.9-3 m) tall, similar width, can grow as a tree to about 30 ft (10 m), form dense thickets. Leaves alternate, simple, leathery, to 5 cm, elliptic (sometimes lobed), rounded at apex, margin entire or with a few small teeth, glossy, dark green above, paler below, fragrant. Flowers small, about 5 mm, 5 white to pink petals, in clusters at the end of branches, early spring. Fruit elliptical, 7-10 mm diam, sticky, reddish, covered with hairs, in clusters at the end of branches, the acid pulp can be used to flavor drinks, hence Lemonade Berry.
- Sun or part shade. When established no additional water needed. Grows best near the coast, can be grown as a hedge or espalier.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 9? Native to southern California and Baja California.