Conifer, evergreen, slow growing to 65 ft (20 m) tall. Bark is dark brown tinged purple, peels off in papery flakes. Leaves are spirally arranged, narrow lanceolate, 2-4 cm long and 3-4 mm wide, stiff and sharp-pointed, bright green above, 2 blue-white stomatal bands below. It is dioecious, male and female cones on separate plants; male cones, short, to 6 mm, sometime bunched, the female cone has a fleshy red receptacle topped with 1-2 green to blue, ovoid seeds, 8 mm long.
Sun to part shade, best in moist, well-drained, acidic to neutral soil
Hardy to USDA Zone 7 Native to the temperate rain forests of southern Chile and adjacent southwestern Argentina
Podocarpus nubigenus is very closely related and similar in appearance to the less hardy Podocarpus totara of New Zealand. If planted together, they are very difficult to differentiate. The best distinction is the slightly brighter green tone of P. nubigenus leaves compared to the more greyish-green of P. totara.
nubigenus: from nūbēs, cloud + -genus, born from; so 'cloud-born' or 'cloud-formed'. One of the common English names for this species is Cloud Podocarp.