Platanus occidentalis
Common name:
American Sycamore or Planetree
American Planetree
PLAT-a-nuz ok-si-den-TAH-lis
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf deciduous tree, 75-100(150) ft [22-30(45) m] tall, somewhat less of a spread. May develop a massive trunk, bark exfoliating in rather small plates and revealing white to creamy inner layers. Leaves simple, alternate, 10-20 cm long, slightly wider, 3 or sometimes 5-lobed, shallow sinuses (space between lobes), central lobe wider than long, base truncate, cordate or sometimes wedge-shaped, margin coarsely toothed or rarely entire, pubescent but only along the lower veins when mature; large stipules, 2.5-4 cm long, entire or toothed, prominent in spring. Flowers appear with leaves, in clusters similar to those of P. × acerifolia, male, green-yellow and female, ball-like, crimson, long stalked. Fruit in ball-like clusters, 2-3.5 cm across, on a long stalk, 8-16 cm, single or occasionally in 2s, remain on the tree through winter.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 4 Native range from Maine to Ontario and Minnesota and south to Florida and Texas and into Mexico.