Davidia involucrata
Common name:
Dove Tree
Handkerchief Tree
da-VID-ee-a in-vol-u-KRA-ta
Nyssaceae, Cornaceae
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf deciduous tree, 20-40 ft (6-12 m), pyramidal. Leaves alternate, simple, broad-ovate leaf (5-14 cm long), margin has acuminate teeth, sometimes nearly entire. Flowers are on a 2 cm sphere on the end of a 7.5 cm peduncle which is subtended by two white bracts (the "dove") of unequal size (about 10 and 18 cm long). The fruit is ovoid, about 4 cm long, greenish at first, then russeted.
- Sun to part shade (esp. afternoon), well-drained rich soil; protect from wind.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 6 Native to western China. Discovered by the French missionary Armand David in 1896 (hence Davidia) and introduced in 1904 by Ernest Wilson. Probably David’s most famous discovery was the giant panda!.
- May take a decade or more to reach flowering size. However. the selection 'Sonoma' reportedly "blooms reliably at an early age" with white bracts to 10 inches (25 cm) long.
- involucrata: circle or collection of bracts
- Corvallis: Central Park, north central area
- Oregon State Univ. campus: southwest corner of the Memorial Union Quad; east side of Gilbert Hall; north side of Gilfilan Auditorium
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