Cercis occidentalis
Common name:
Western Redbud
California Redbud
SER-sis ok-si-den-TA-lis
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf deciduous shrub, or small tree, to 16 ft (5 m) tall, often multistemmed, rounded crown. Twigs slender, angled, smooth, brown bark with lighter lenticels. Leaves alternate, simple, 4-9 cm long, may be somewhat wider, nearly round to kidney shaped (reniform), 7-9 veins from the cordate (heart shaped) base, shallow notch (emarginate) or rounded at the apex, mostly hairless, dark green above and paler below. Flowers pea-like, 12 mm long, purplish-pink, appear before leaves, blooms February-April. Fruit pod-like, flat, 5-9 cm long, narrowly oblong, brown or purplish, maturing in late summer, may hold brownish pods in winter.
- Sun to part shade. Best with well-drained soil. Drought tolerant, does well on infrequently watered banks. Tolerant of alkaline and acid soils.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 6 (Less hardy than C. canadensis.) Native range includes Utah, Arizona (common in the Grand Canyon National Park), and especially California.
- Oregon State Univ. campus: small garden at the southeast entrance to Ag. & Life Sciences (ALS)