Abelia × grandiflora
Common name:
Glossy Abelia
a-BE-li-a × gran-di-FLO-ra
Linnaea × grandiflora
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Broadleaf evergreen shrub, arching, 3-6(8) ft [0.9-1.8(2.4) m] tall, equal width, new stems reddish. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate, 2.5-4 cm long, some teeth on margin, glossy dark green color, turning bronze-red in winter. Flowers white, flushed with pink, somewhat fragrant, funnel-shaped, 12-25 mm long, usually with 5 sepals that persist (good for identification); blooms in summer and into fall.
- Sun (best) to part shade, acid peaty soil. Easily grown. Often used as a hedge.
- Hardy to USDA Zone (5) 6 Hybrid of A. chinensis [introduced by Clarke Abel (1780-1826)] and A. uniflora.
Some of the common cultivars include:
- 'Abelops' - compact, yellow leaf margins, white flowers, fade to pink (Sunshine Daydream)
- ‘Francis Mason’ - yellowish leaves, pinkish-white flowers
- ‘Kaleidoscope’ - leaves variegated; yellow with a green center, white flowers
- 'Panache' - slivery-cream leaf margins, red stems, white flowers (Silver Anniversary™)
- ‘Prostrata’ - low growing, deciduous, white flowers
- ‘Sherwoodi’ - dense and compact, small leaves, white flowers
- ‘Sunrise’ - yellow margin, white-pink flowers
- Oregon State Univ. campus: northeast Women's Building, along sidewalk, many other campus locations.