Ulmus davidiana var. japonica
Common name: 
Japanese Elm
UL-mus da-vid-i-A-na ja-PON-i-ka
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Broadleaf, deciduous tree, often umbrella-shaped, but rather variable in size and form, ranging from short with a densely branched broad crown and pendulous lower branches to relatively tall, 115 ft (35 m) with a branchless trunk to 49 ft (15 m).  Leaves alternate, simple¸ obovate to elliptical, about 10 cm long and 4 cm wide, the margin doubly-serrate, upper surface rough and hairy, dark green, yellow color in late autumn.  Greenish-red flower emerge in early spring before the leaves, followed by winged samara about 15 mm long, obovate to orbicular, often the surfaces are glabrous (hairless) but occasionally hairy.
  • Sun, best in moist, well-drained soil, somewhat drought tolerant
  • Hardy to USDA Zone, some as low as Zone 2   Large native range, endemic to much of continental northeast Asia and Japan (from southern Siberia to northern Myanmar, Korea, and Japan).
  • There are number selections of this species and allied hybrids that are commercially available, including:
    • Ulmus davidiana var. japonica
    • Hybrids
      • ‘Patriot’ – with U. ×hollandica and U. carpinifolia
      • Triumph™ (‘Morton Glossy’) – with U. pumila, Siberian elm
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