Sorbus yunan
Common name: 
Sorbus yunan (no English common name)
SOR-bus YOU-nan
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Broadleaf deciduous small to medium-sized tree, to about 50 ft (~15 m) tall. Branchlets reddish brown when young, purplish or grayish black when old.  Leaves alternate, simple, elliptic to obovate- elliptic, 7-–15 long and 4-10 cm wide, lateral veins 11–-13 pairs, nearly parallel and terminating in marginal teeth, base wedge-shaped (cuneate) or rounded to subcordate, margin deeply regularly doubly serrate, apex acute to shortly acuminate, upper surface dark green, lower surface pale green with grayish-white tomentose; leaves turn golden yellow in fall.  Flowers white, many per terminal clusters on long shoots.   Fruit cherry-red, oblong or obovoid-oblong, about 1.5 cm long.
  • Sun, partial shade.
  • Hardy to USDA Zone       Native to China; found on slopes of steep ravines above 2000 m (6,560 ft) in western Hubei and Sichuan.
  • On the Sino-American Botanical Expedition during the fall of 1980 seeds, thought to represent Sorbus zahlbruckneri, were collected.  But a few years later it was determined that the plants derived from these seeds were a new species, subsequently named Sorbus yunan [J. Arnold Arboretum 67:265- 270(1986)].
  • yunan: to honor Professor T. T. Yü, the leading Chinese plant taxonomist and student of the genus Sorbus.
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  • plant habit, fruiting, fall

    plant habit, fruiting, fall

  • leaves and fruit

    leaves and fruit

  • fruit


  • leaf


  • leaf, underside

    leaf, underside

  • trunk, limbs and bark

    trunk, limbs and bark