Broadleaf, densely matted prostrate shrub only 0.5-1.5 inches (1-4 cm) tall, usually with a thick central tap root. Leaves small, rounded (oblanceolate to obovate), 8-20 mm long and 5-10 mm wide, margin entire, shiny green on both surfaces, mid-rib rather prominent on the underside Old leaves at the base of twigs persist one or more years (marcescent, withering but not falling) becoming brown and skeletonized. The catkins are erect,12-25 mm long. Pollen is brightly colored red or yellow to attract insects.
Hardy to USDA Zone 1? In its arctic or alpine tundra environments it may be protected from low temperatures by snow covering during winter months. It has an amphi-berengian distribution, i.e., present on both sides of the Bering Strait and confined to the area between the Lena (in Siberia) and Mackenzie (in NW Canada) rivers.
phlebophylla: phlebo-, vein, phylla, leaf, veined leaf (Possibly a reference to a skeletonized leaf in which only remnents of veins persist.)