Picea koyamae
Common name:
Koyama's Spruce
Yatsugatake-tohi [Japanese]
PI-see-a KOY-am-ae
Picea koyamai
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Conifer, evergreen, to 60-65 ft (~18-20 m) in its habitat, narrow conical crown, dense, spreading branches, tips ascending. Needles straight or bowed, very densely arranged, directed upward and forward, 7-12 mm long and about 1.5 mm wide, 4 sided, 2-4 indistinct stomatal lines above, and 5-8 distinct stomatal lines below. Cones elliptic-ovate, 4-10 cm long, light green at first then glossy brown when ripe.
- Sun
- Hardy to USDA Zone 3 Native to Japan. Endangered. Very rare in its habitat, only a few hundred trees on Mt. Yatsuga-take (Yatsugadake Mountains) were it grows in small groves of 10-20 trees or mixed stands on north-facing slopes at 1500-2000 m (~5,000-6,500 ft) elevation.
- koyamae: in honor of Mitsuo Koyama (1885-1935), the Japanese botanist who discovered it in 1911. The name was originally published as "koyamai", but this is an orthographical error (spelling, typo, etc.) and it was corrected under the provisions of the Int. Code of Bot. Nomenclature.