Diospyros virginiana
Common name:
Common Persimmon
American Persimmon
di-OS-pi-ros ver-jin-i-A-na
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Deciduous tree with a slender, oval-rounded crown, 35-60 ft (11-18 m) high and 20-35 ft (6-11 m) wide, suckers, bark thick, hard, in distinctive squares. Leaves alternate, simple, 5-13 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, oval to elliptic, rounded at base, entire or irregularly serrate, glossy dark green above and paler below. Dioecious --male and female trees --- although both sexes sometimes present on the same tree, white to greenish-white, blueberry-shaped flower, fragrant. Fruit (berry) globose, 2.5-5 cm, blue-green when young and yellowish to pale orange at maturity, subtended by 4 persistent calyx lobes, edible.
- Sun
Hardy to USDA Zone 4 Native range from Connecticut to Florida and west to Kansas and Texas. Several cultivars.
- Diospyros: from the Greek dios, divine, and pyros, wheat, referring to the edible fruit. virginiana: of Virginia
- Salem, Oregon: east of the Bush House in Bush Pasture Park, male tree.