Calycanthus occidentalis
Common name:
Western Spicebush
Western Sweetbush
California Allspice
kal-i-KAN-thus ok-si-den-TA-lis
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon:
- Deciduous shrub, 4-12 ft (1.2-4 m) tall, fast growing, upright, rounded or irregular. Leaves opposite, simple, ovate to elliptical, 8-20 cm long, entire margin, upper surface rough and dark green, pubescent beneath; yellow fall color. Flowers solitary, purple-brown fading to yellow, 5-7 cm wide, fragrant, blooms in late spring and summer. Crushed flowers and leaves have an odor of an "old wine barrel". Fruit capsule-like, to 5 cm, somewhat woody, persists into winter.
- Sun or shade. Not fussy about soil and drainage. Generally not considered a "delectable salad" by deer.
- Hardy to USDA Zone 7 Native range from the southern Cascades south to California coast ranges, Sierra Nevada foothills, and central and southern High Sierra Nevada, found in moist shady places, canyons, and stream banks.
- occidentalis: western
- Silverton, Oregon: The Oregon Garden.