Fallugia paradoxa
Common name: 
Apache Plume
fah-LEW-gee-uh par-uh-DOKS-uh
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub, erect, to 8 ft (2.5 m) high. Slender branches, with buff and white exfoliating bark.  Leaves are alternate, small, to 2 × 0.8 cm, deeply cut with 3-7 linear lobes.  Flowers are mostly solitary, 2 cm across, at the end of branches, each with 5 white spreading petals and the center filled with numerous stamens and styles. After petal fall the styles become plume-like and lavender, each 3 to 5 cm long and attached to a single fruit (an  achene).  These feathery appendages assist in wind dispersal of the individual fruit (“seeds”).
  • Full sun, tolerates alkaline soils, needs excellent drainage, especially in wet winter areas
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 5  Its native range extends from southeastern California and southern Nevada, to southern Colorado, west Texas, New Mexico and Arizona and to northern Mexico; it is found in arid habitats such as desert woodlands and scrub.
  • Fallugia: for Abbot Virgilio Falugi of Vallombrosa, Italian botanist.  paradoxa: paradoxical, contrary to expectations
  • Oregon State University campus: southeast of Community Hall, east of a Baldcypress.
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  • plants habit, flowering

    plants habit, flowering

  • branches


  • branch


  • leaf


  • flowering branches

    flowering branches

  • flower and fruit cluster

    flower and fruit cluster

  • flower


  • fruit cluster

    fruit cluster